Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Successfully failed...

Once again, just as in my bachelors I did my best not to study for the masters too...
The premise, predicate everything's the same; just that the conclusion was a nice grade "F"...
I bet the TM teacher didnt read a word I wrote... Any ways; im glad I failed... It's really fun to not study and (still) fail... Was missing this feeling since my 10th grade...

Khair... Finally got the phone up and running...
Life now revolves around, the ACM sites, GMAIL besides work and college and trying to discover new books and stuff on Social Networking...

Well, today was probably the most useless day I ever had... I only made 4 routines out of the many many I was supposed to make at work... Just because 'ideas' kept clicking me again and again for some Social Networking CS project I agreed not to take seriously this semester...

But I just noticed; Im really not the type... I just cant sit idle and not learn anything... Everyday I wake up I want something new, exciting and innovative to work on...Besided that today we got the Wednesday BarBQ Party changed to a lunch Salt'n'Paper just because someone doesnt want to have too much fun...

Spending 8 years with the internet; I must say its actually a wonderful invention... How would life be for me without the Internet...? People I see around me are just new commers who followed the crowd to enter my valley... But where do I go if IT gives up on me? Even if im imprisoned; i'm sure God would realize my need and give me a 24hr internet connection...


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