Saturday, December 18, 2004

Yahoo Video Search

It's been around about 7 whole days that I checked out this cool Yahoo! Video Search!
Oh boy! Do i love it! (check it out )

Be it RAM, WMV, MPG or AVI... I discovered that the search displays a picture that is "NOT" the first frame of the video! And yet, it's got this BIG BIG archive of videos... I wouldnt be surprised if someone said its the biggest VIDEO link+pic archive in the world!

I wonder how Yahoo!'s bots managed to download all those videos on their servers to get a frame shot for the searcher... Or maybe they just streamed first X number of frames, got the pic, got the file size, got the link and then WASTED.... Yups, thats what I would have done...

"If" (<- yeah I hate em!) I had a strong internet link to the Internet, I might have left Google and Yahoo! way behind (yeah right :P!)... Right now as I type this, I see my younger brother having fun downloading these F16 and Boeing videos off Yahoo!

Conclusion: Well, ill call it a great service... One thing that bothers me is, with this copyright infringements would increase... RIAA's drive against P2P would be left useless! Besides this, all those webmasters out there... You might as well want to take off ur useless Videos from your web servers or be ready to pay extra to your hosting company for extra bandwidth usage!


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