Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Destiny - Who decides your fate?
Your parents and your cats dont have anything to do with your destiny...

I remember this quote which said

If your father is poor, it's your fate...
... but if your father in law is poor, it's your stupidity!
- Cant remember who quoted it

Well, so who decides your destiny? Is it your parents? The girl next door? Or is it your friends?

They all do play as much of a role in your destiny as does a monkey that dances on the windscreen of your car when you stop at a traffic signal (if you happen to live in Pakistan).

Now what the hell does a monkey have to do with your destiny?
If you are a good thinker and observent enough, even a monkey would influence you to grab a few nice things towards your destiny. And if such is the case, the case wouldnt be any different for the inspiration you get from your parents, friends and even that girl who lives next door. You are the most probable candidate for a good thinker and an action taker if you were influenced by that funny monkey on your car's windscreen.

But if you are among the, "jo hoga dekha jaiga" or "lets see what happens" gang, you happen to be among the majority that has been so called "we rulez!" in our sub-continent for years.

The Indian sub-continent was handed over to the britishers who were initially nothing more than traders, who came to sell and buy goods. The Indian "Shehnshaahs" and "Mughal Baadshahs" opted to let in the britishers. Gave them security, and later slipped into the trap by opting for the wine, money and prostitution. Was the takeover destined to happen? Or was it a matter of choice? -- Well, they were all just foot-steps towards a longer journey - where we stand today.

If you have read "The Alchemist" (If you havent, this is a must read for you!) you must have observed that although the boy has a little dream or a target he wants to achieve by reaching the Pyramids (Can be a variable X in your life), he is never seen "DIRECTLY" working towards reaching the pyramids. Instead his sheep, the crystal and tea shop, his experience with thieves in the bazaar, the girl at the oasis and even "The Alchemist" himself, all act as steps towards his goal. All these small things are just foot steps to reach your goal; they do not have to portray what exactly your goal is.

It sort of builds a rough sketch of your destiny and you simply fine tune the focus as if it was an overhead projector. And dont forget, only you, your self can realize your destiny and that is by your actions, your decisions and your sense for right and wrong.

Now consider this

You have always wanted to do this special thing in life that you could feel proud of. Something you had dreamed to do but just didnt think it was the right time to act and break the flow of events that were shaping your life (A good job, enjoyment, money comming in). Or maybe you just couldnt get enough time to act your dreams. But you knew it all along that its something you can call an "Achievement of Life"... Or maybe just something you wanted to do!

So what happened now? Everyone has missions, goals, dreams, ambitions and a sketch of how they want their destiny to be. Some people wait to grow up, some people wait to get a job, some to get married, some to have children.... and it goes on. Many people just plan and think of brilliant ideas but never get them self motivated enough to act their plans. Some people sacrifice their family for their work so they may have a good amount of money to enjoy a later part in life. What use is such a life that you have lived near a stream but in thirst... How many of us actually reach our destiny or work towards it? We often get carried away by our short term goals and end up in the middle of nowhere. Somehow we just keep waiting for that special moment which we can't reckon is always "NOW"

Reality stands: you are a lazy lame ostrish-head reading this text...
Remember:You are not what you aim to be, rather what you are right NOW! Your
tomorow would be just a potrait of what you are doing right "Now". Obviously
that is the case unless you decide to put your act together and BAKE the cake
mixture instead of just looking at it in that bowl!

BLUP.... there goes another.... That's all there is between life and death...

It wasnt too long a go when I completed my high school and went ahead with my professional education in Computer Sciences. Soon I found myself in a "Toy Factory" which read "Admit One" and 3 years later displayed "Take One", yes i'm talking about the local educational system that continues to produce a lot of AIR (Artificially Intelligent Resources instead of something we can call the Human Resources). The AIR when compared to HR doesnt have the sense of reason and the power to innovate or think outside the circle which I believe humans do (Ashraf-ul-makhlooqaaat) ".

Just looking at the destinies of out youth what choices do the children of this nation have as they walk their path?

[1]When they are young do they have any choices besides schools and madresah's?
[2]When they grow up and get a little sense of reason, the only names familiar to our youth are "Doctors", "Engineers" and "MBAs"... So follow the crowd?
[3]After they are through with their degrees, the only option they see is to grab a double bore riffle and bang bang bang till they hit a job!
[4] And at lasr they say "Ok im on a job now, ive got a steady income comming in. Lets get married and have children..." and its a never ending while(true) loop

It's about time we put a "break;" statement in there! Start making jobs, not chasing jobs! entrepreneural spirit should be the word of the century...


Blogger zen said...

See...when these "artificially intelligent resources" try to do something they are told to do an MBA and learn to sell soaps and shampoos...

3/10/2005 11:06:00 AM  

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