Tuesday, October 12, 2004

(Google)² - (Yahoo!)² = (Google + Yahoo!) (Google - Yahoo!) = A9 = Clusty

It doesn't get any simpler than this!

(Google)² - (Yahoo!)² = (Google + Yahoo!) (Google - Yahoo!) = A9 = Clusty

A9 and Clusty are here to stay...

A9 was hardly a month old that Vivísimo Inc. decided to come into the picture by having a child! They named her "Clusty"...

This weekend, I decided to spend some time with these two children and see what's all the fuss about...

I had done a few searches on A9 before so I decided to start off the play with Clusty... Personally I also liked her name!

Just as i typed clusty followed by a CTRL+Enter in my foxy...
I was a little surprised looking at that dark blue interface and blogger like tabs. I thought to my self; when will these people learn? People come to search engines when they are looking for what they need! Not the buttons and links they are required to click to searc! Didnt they read HTML for Dummies?

Having had a nice look at the interface I decided to give the baby a little test...
I started with the "Open your mouth... hahaha", searching "P2P"... Ha ha, I giggled from the inside laughing at the non-sense I was expecting from the baby...

So how did the baby respond? OMG... Clusty was *VERY* intelligent!
I was really surprised to know there is something better than Google!

Yesh! Somehow the results page had convinced me that all those dark colors and difficult to find tabs had some use... Maybe they were really right by choosing not to read "HTML for Dummies"...
I know now, they were no dummies!

The results easily ruled out Google being called No.1... I was so surprised that I am forced to put a screen shot of what you can expect from this little child!

Believe me, click the picture... It's really worth it...

The search results always started with answering the first "W" of all those "Double U's"... Yes straight away it answered "What is P2P" followed by highly focused results for what I precisely needed!

Now thats what you call information...

Instead of that phrase "Results 1 - 10 of about 5,530,000 for P2P " we usually get to see on Google I saw
"Top 262 results of at least 2,484,907 retrieved for the query P2P"

All right the total number of results were less that what google had...

2,484,907 Vs 5,530,000? But believe me that only indicates who has more garbage...

Clusty filtered out 262 results for you from the total 2,484,907?
"Hain?, Sirf 262?"; you must have asked yourself just as I did...
Ask your self one more thing...
How many times did you go past 10 pages (100 results) on Google Search?

Well, duh! Clusty just filtered the garbage for you... It started with "What" followed by popular and high ranked (Probably by their bots) links... However, it does let you look in the garbage if you like... After all "One man's garbage is another man's treasure" :P

Besides this, the Intelligent left side bar saying "Cluster By" automatically arranged all the results into Groups also called "Clusters"... E.g. "Members", "Blogs", "Projects", "Software" etc!

I ended the test by having a few searches on "Pakistran", "Karachi" and the most intersting on my name "Yasir Suleman Memon"... I must say I was really impressed by the way it clustered sites featuring my name! V. Impressive!

Now just imagine that... Go and feel it at Clusty.com!! This is somewhat of what I wanted to do when studying Artificial Intelligence in my bachelors...

Some how I wanted to use NLP and search prediction techniques to predict what the searcher wants based on some demographic information and previous search history and the links that were visited from the searched links....
Somehow I see Clusty as a part of what I wanted to make a year back...

However work on clusty began 4 years ago when Yahoo! broke Google from Yahoo! searh..

I think i'll probably edit this post and add more stuff relating to A9 and some other things about clusty when I get more time (I dont know when)...

Also have a few posts on Google SMS, Google Labs, Hello, Blogger, FireFox, GoogleXplorer that I want to complete


Blogger zen said...

Why are all these, clusty, foxy, a9 and domains, girls?? :P

10/12/2004 09:25:00 AM  

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