Monday, March 14, 2005

Migrating your blog from to WordPress, BlogCMS and others

First of all this post is dedicated to Dr. Awab Alvi from whom I got the motivation to make this post... Initially it was supposed to be some comments on his blog, but it just became too big...

So you want to migrate your blog from to your own domain running a WordPress, BlogCMS or any of the other blogging software available out there?

The change may sound risky but at the same time is equally appealing for the .COM stamp you get with your name and blog on it... You might consider it a tough thing in the begining, but based on my experience believe me its not too much of an issue...

The Problems

There are a certain things that you need to think thoroughly before you make the shift...
  1. You might develop dead links as might not be the same URL on your domain.
  2. Your page ranks will be reset to zero. As all the pages that have been linked by other people cant be changed by you. Your new pages will have to reset from a PageRank "0" on google, yahoo, clusty and other major search engines
  3. Attaining the same popularity of a blog with your followers might be some struggle. As most people dont remember blog addresses, rather follow the links from their own blogs, bookmarks or feed readers.
  4. Ease of use and the flexibity you require. So you have to choose wisely depending on your requirement for the new blog... You dont move your blogs every day. Go through It has detailed comparisons of the following bloggin softwares (enough?)
    1. b2Evolution
    2. bBlog
    3. BLOG:CMS
    4. Blojsom
    5. Blosxom
    6. Expression Engine
    7. MovableType
    8. Nucleus
    9. Pivot
    10. pMachine Pro
    11. Serendipity
    12. SPIP
    13. .Text
    14. TextPattern
    15. WordPress (My choice)

Many of us dont know that allows you to POST directly on your domain. Yes, if you happen to have a domain, why wait?

Simply give your FTP address, ftp login/password (Click Settings->Publishing) of your domain and click 'Republish Entire Blog'... Thats exactly what i did on when I migratred from

Now wait a minute! I hope you havent performed the above mentioned step already! It has to be properly planned!

Since you will not be able to make any POST on your address after you move, so before you move to FTP publishing make sure you make one last post on your blogspot address telling your audience that you have moved to To understand what I mean check my last post on before i migrated to to my own domain by using FTP publish option in blogger.

Now after you have made that special post, change the FTP settings by clicking Settings->Publishing and republish your entire blog. This should make a replica of your entire blog onto your new address ( in my case). All the links and structure would automatically be handled by blogger... so chill!!

When the entire blog is republished on the new address(, simply go to dashboard and delete the last post you made regarding the migration. Note that this will only delete the post from your new blog as you no longer have any control over your old blogspot address.

Ok, so now everything is up and running... now what? You may take a long breath and relax a bit now!

You may simply continue blogging using (but now on your own domain) untill you think you are ready for word press. Or choose from the above mentioned 15 open source blogging softwares and set it up on your domain.

The trick to keep your page rank high and all pages archived in google is to keep the same structure and install word press into the same directory. Doing this would increase your page rank as all the pages yould be pointing back to the main page and at the same time you will have word press running, not worrying about any missing links to older posts...

Installing wordpress and other blogging software isnt any difficult... It would hardly take 30 seconds to do the entire process... Simply make sure that the root directory for posts and wordpress is the same!
Still complicated? You may get the following paid package from me...
  • domain name registration
  • unlimitted space for your blog (No FTP access allowed)
  • Many blogging softwares to choose from
    • WordPress 1.5
      • Themes/Skins
      • Plugins
      • Comments Approval
      • much more
    • GeekLog
    • BlogCMS
    • Any other open source blogging software to choose that runs on PHP/MySQL
  • Installation of as many plugins/themes required for any wordpress/geeklog blog
  • Unlimitted email aliases
  • Upto 3 subdomains (e.g.
  • Unlimitted email addresses on your sub-domain
  • 4th sub domain to point to your home PC (irrespective of you having a dynamic or static ip)
  • Complete migration process to your new server
  • Page Rank optiztion. (Normally google only archives the main pages of addresses and doesnt index any inside pages, which will NOT be the case with your own domain)
  • Hosting on a high speed US server on OC3 link, check for speed check.
  • Total cost Rs.300/month OR $3.5/month (To be paid on an yearly basis)
    • No hidden or setup costs :)
  • email me at


Blogger Teeth Maestro said...

I am flattered - could not have asked for a better tutorial then the one you have worked on. Thank you.

Armed with this tutorial I am ready to take the dive. thank you again

3/15/2005 12:59:00 AM  
Blogger S A J Shirazi said...

Ya, this is nice.

3/17/2005 10:53:00 AM  
Blogger Ramla Akhtar said...

Ah! Just what I was looking for. You have an extremely useful techie blog. Wow, wow. Thanks.

Thanks to you, now I will be able to fully dot.comize my blog.

3/30/2005 02:07:00 PM  
Blogger Michael Schulz said...

I'm either missing something here or you didn't at all talk about the real hard part of the migration. After the installation of Wordpress you might want to import your old posts into the database Wordpress relies on. This is the tricky part and is not covered here. So it would be nice if you could add this.


10/08/2005 05:58:00 PM  
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